2 West Roy St. Seattle, WA, 98110
Wednesday August 31 2016
Curated by Kat Seidemann
Categorizing creative writing as either poetry and prose may be useful for bookstores and libraries, but it is less so for a live audience. Strong creative work often straddles, or totally ignores, such binary decisions and so shall we.
A genre fluid reading featuring:
Breka Blakeslee: is a Seattle-based queer writer whose work explores memory, failure and liminality and who keeps writing autobiographically despite attempts to the contrary. She is curious about how truly insatiable curiosity that becomes disturbing, obsessive, uncontrollable, all consuming. the titillation of the abnormal and unorthodox. how the control of wyrd gave rise to the unearthly of weird to the everyday of god, you are so weird.
A co-founder and co-editor of Letter [r] Press, a collectively run micropress that publishes chapbooks and the journal Small Po[r]tions, and a freelance writer and editor, Breka holds an MFA from the University of Washington Bothell in Creative Writing & Poetics. Breka’s work appeared as part of Poems for a Street Corner and The Poetry Dispensary as well as being included in Golden Handcuffs Review, and Ink&Coda.
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore: Described as “startlingly bold and provocative” by Howard Zinn and “a gender-fucking tower of pure pulsing purple fabulous” by The Stranger, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore is most recently the author of a memoir, The End of San Francisco, winner of a 2014 Lambda Literary Award. Mattilda is currently finishing a third novel, Sketchtasy.
Mattilda lives in Seattle, Washington, but tours regularly (and is available for bookings).
Demian DinéYazhi’: is a Portland-based transdisciplinary warrior born to the clans Tódích’íí’nii (Bitter Water) and Naasht’ézhí Tábąąhá (Zuni Clan Water’s Edge) of the Diné (Navajo). Whether he is broaching topics adjacent to Decolonization, Survivance, and Queerness in written or visual language, Demian is caught in a narrative that is informed by romanticized notions of belonging and the alienation experienced through centuries of forced assimilation to white patriarchal capitalist supremacy.
Demian received his BFA in Intermedia Arts from Pacific Northwest College of Art in 2014. He is the founder and director of the artist/activist/warrior collective, RISE: Radical Indigenous Survivance & Empowerment, which is dedicated to the education and perseverance of Indigenous art and culture.
Curated by Kat Seidemann