Chris Mann

INCA: 2 West Roy St. Seattle, WA, 98110
1 June 2016  7-8pm


Language is the mechanism whereby you understand what I’m thinking better
than I do (where I is defined by those changes for which I is required)

Chris Mann is an Australian composer based in NYC specializing in the
emerging field of compositional linguistics. His work is a dense rush of
words – philosophical musings, theoretical babble, Aussie vernacular –
delivered at a superhuman velocity that transforms sentences into melodic
lines, blurring the distinction between “reading” and “singing.” He
teaches in the Media Studies Graduate program at The New School.

Mann studied Chinese and linguistics at the University of Melbourne,
founded the New Music Centre in 1972 and taught at the State College of
Victoria in the mid-1970s. He moved to New York in the 1980s and was an
associate of American composers John Cage and Kenneth Gaburo. He has
performed text in collaboration with artists such as Thomas Buckner,
David Dunn, Annea Lockwood, Larry Polansky, and Robert Rauschenberg.